Wednesday, September 11, 2013

HBR Foundation and the Honorable U.S. President Barack Obama finally agree on NO Military Strike on Syria as the Letter states… (attached is Letter)

HBR MEDIA Release : HBR Foundation and the Honorable U.S. President Barack Obama finally agree on NO Military Strike on Syria as the Letter states… (attached is Letter)

 11 September 2013

Time : 19H00

In the early hours today HBR Foundation was honored to receive a response from U.S. President Honorable Barack Obama titled Syria, he was responding to our Lobbying letter on Syria which was address to him, U.S. Congress, the People of America and the World leaders.

We welcome the spirit of the letter which clearly delays any initiatives of war on Syria but rather enhancing a diplomatic approach on protecting the human race and also that of working hand in hand with the President of Russia “HonorableVladimir Putin, African Leaders, Asian leaders, European leaders  and the international community  on such matters of global interest.

The honorable U.S President has also requested us to share the letter with you (as Attached), he explains where he stands regarding this issue and sharing his perspective on the sensitive situations we all face, in the letter he says “Though I posses the authority to order these Strikes, in the absence of a direct threat of U.S. Military action may produce a diplomatic breakthrough. The Russian Government has indicated a willingness to join with the international community  in pushing Assad to give  up his Chemical Weapons and the Assad regime has now committed that it these weapons and even said  they’d join the Chemical Weapon Convention, which prohibit the Use…” and he further says “…That is  why I have asked the leaders of Congress to Postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while pursue this diplomatic path”

We further also congratulate all US Senators, members of the US Congress and the people of America who were progressive to say they will vote against military strikes whether in the open or behind closed sessions.  We also welcome and appreciate the dedication shown by President of Syria honorable Assad on cooperating with the international community.

Following our lobbying of members of the US Congress, most Senators responded positively to our plea and said that they would vote against the military strike against Syria and will seek to find harmonious means of ending the injustice in Syria.


To quote a few, some response from the Members of US Congress:

·         Senator Dan Coats said “…I do not believe a targeted, limited military strike on Syria is in the direct national security interests of the United States. Therefore, I do not support a resolution authorizing the president to take military action in Syria.” In his response Senator Coats clearly indicates that he opposes the military war strikes intended against Syria and says a threat against Syria may pose a threat to the US’ national security which in turn may cause a world war.

·         Senator Jonny Isakson pointed out that “The administration's lack of a clear strategy is troubling, and the potential fallout following a military strike is also troubling,” therefore after carefully weighing this issue he is adamant that he will vote against military strikes.

·         Senator Jerry Maron didn’t share with us his opinion on the matter but invited us for a conference call were further discussions would be held.

·         Although we received an overwhelming amount of positive responses from most members of Congress, Senator Sherrod Brown noted that intervention in Syria from the US was long overdue and that she supports any diplomatic efforts to end the rule of President Assad.


On behalf of Civil Organizations in Africa, we continue to support all drives of peace, stability and prosperity in the world, and that any Government striving towards such has our support and the blessing of all civil organizations in Africa and the world.


HBR (Hola Bon Renaissance) Foundation is a non-politically aligned, non-governmental organization having been established to address and encourage the growth in African communities as well as international communities through socio-economic transformation and building societies that are self-sustainable with a central economic hub. 


We believe in and support causes that foster global peace and the protection of our human race.

Our prayers were GRANTED.


Thanks in anticipation



Mr Bontshitswe Preddy Mothopeng

Chairperson of Hola Bon Renaissance (HBR) Foundation

Cell No: +2784 054 4733, Tel No: +2711 492 3908 

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